Target city resources to areas with most need
If Parker School is in fact closing, we need to redesign the space to include a Park & Rec program, an Early Childhood Education Center such as a CDC or Head Start program, a community pool, a public playground, a summer program such as OFASS and joint use agreements which allow funded non-profits such as Kumon, Oakland Public Conservatory and other similar organizations who already have funding to lease space below market rates. Equitable Investment in East Oakland is critical to reduce crime.
This is correct. We need more activities for youth, especially boys. Keep them busy making music, films or using their hands, Apprenticeships, coding camps, even basketball with coaches anything they can do to stay off the streets. Even pay them for learning, it's cheaper than locking them up.
Sounds like a way to waste the tax revenue on a lot of bureaucratic processes around assessing grant applications and various administrative feea
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation