Free Dump Days

Free Dump Days

Free Dump Days


If it's too hard to expand to all residents, target certain zip codes, no restrictions. Additionally have the free days around the first of the month when folks are likely to be moving and have the most bulky waste.

Yes. Do it.

Oakland already has this free service: Bulky Block Party events are held the last Saturday of every month (except during holiday weekends. See below.) from 9am to 1pm at 7101 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, CA. Oakland residents may drop off for free items that don't fit in their trash cart at home!

Raising awareness about this service (or Bulky Block Party, as mentioned here in the comment below) would go a long way. There are home owners who don't even know how to get bulky pick-up in a timely manner, let alone apartment renters who don't interface with the waste management company at all. Multilingual flyers and campaigns could be used to increase the use of this service also.

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