Friends of the Urban Forest for Oakland
It already has in San Francisco. I was just about to suggest the EXACT same thing for Oakland. I have been a big fan of FUF for years, and have participated in Oakland's tree planting program. I do think there is enough interest in this ideas to get it off the ground. I read an article about a guy in Oakland who plants oak seeds. Brilliant! They grow so easily and quickly. I know they're not ideal for street trees, but hey, we're OAKland! I would be willing to be a fundraiser for this effort.
Trees for Oakland,, plants trees in The Town. They can subsidize the the tree and plant it, but they don't help with the paperwork and they don't maintain the tree.
I've seen several news studies that show how this helps illegal dumping and crime. It also helps with climate change and cooling neighborhoods
Yes, more trees in disenfranchised areas of Oakland! Specially to counteract air pollution from the Port and all the trucks idling on West Oakland Streets. Greenery also improves residents mental and physical health.
It draws from a proven model. It could help with air pollution as well as trash.
ID the sidewalk tree spaces (maybe as a start in the mostly treeless zip code). Work with homeowners or landlords to pick the kind of trees, help with the required information for permits (free of charge) and plant the trees.
I like this solution because it's TRUE!!!! People dump less in areas that are beautiful. We need more green on our streets. Plus, other benefits: deters other crimes, activates community in neighborhood projects, boosts city and neighborhood pride, improves air quality and general green-ness of our city.
Let's start on a pilot level ASAP!
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation