This, combined with good early education is the way to prevent entire generations of crime.
We need immediate action. This is an idea I love and should do as well but let’s be clear about the goal here. We want the scope to be immediate reduction of crime measured with data within 3, 6, 12 months. This idea is great but let’s prioritize ideas based on how much impact they can have measurably within 3 months etc. and then have a separate idea board for longer term root causes. They’re both valid but solve at different time scales.
I love this. I would also add to this suggestion subsidies for small or craft businesses, so even those who don’t want to work for someone else can bring value to the community with their creativity instead of simply being unemployed.
What ever happened to all the monies the schools were suppose to get from the California lottery?
Bring back Shop as well as Home Economics for ALL students, not based on gender. Also need to teach Civics so students learn about City government by the time they graduate from high school.
Looks of great ideas that worked in the past. Schools open year round - teachers will need to be paid more.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation