OPD Undercover Unit Designated to Fine Dumpers

OPD Undercover Unit Designated to Fine Dumpers

OPD Undercover Unit Designated to Fine Dumpers


Do you need OPD to do this work? or could it be done by security companies so that OPD can fight violent crime in Oakland?

I would rather see the police used in the most beneficial ways for all citizens. There is already a shortage, and we have to use our resources wisely

...actually doing their job. I remember a situation a few years ago when someone circulated a video of a pickup truck dumping trash illegally, with the entire episode clearly visible, along with the license plate. Nothing was done. The problem is not a lack of cops or laws. The problem is lack of motivation. As usual.

I think that people who are dumping don’t care about the signs. Everyone knows that you aren’t supposed to do it, and yet they do. OPD does not have resources to do trash monitoring and their time is better spent on doing something else. Also, I think there is already a unit in the City that investigates and fines people for illegal dumping, but they have to build the case and it is rather difficult and slow process.

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