Oakland's Safe and Healthy Future: The Insurance Solution
This would be an innovative approach to stop the killing.
As an insurance agent, I support including gun ownership as an underwriting criteria. I'd love to see my industry take a stance in reducing gun deaths.
Innovative and important suggestions on how to move forward on this pressing issue.
What a great idea! And, it could be an incredibly effective marketing tool for AllState or StateFarm to celebrate their own role in making their clients safer.
Definitely we need to bring insurance companies into the gun safety effort. Gun murders and massacres are out of control in the US and Oakland.
Very very clever idea
Thanks great idea.
Excellent suggestion! Insurance companies (including managed care) can give a unique perspective on the cost of violent crime on property and healthcare for a community.
This option is a bit trickier but is definitely a valid approach to a mind bogglingly difficult problem. Money talks. Big insurance talks. I believe some clear thinking could make this beneficial in every way.
I’m intrigued by this idea of including insurance companies, but I don’t have a clear way of seeing how it would work if implemented and underwritten. Insurance companies have valuable information to quantify the cost of crime which of course speaks to our pocketbooks and will get attention.
Use insurance companies, health care providers, professional organizations raise taxes on all guns any damn thing to get them of the streets.
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